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LLM Degree Tuition Fees In Canada

LLM Degree Tuition Fees in CanadaFor some Master of Laws students, deciding which law school, or even which country, you are going to study your LLM degree program in can depend on the tuition fees.

In Canada, there are wide variations in LLM degree tuition fees between the different Canadian law schools, plus some institutions offer discounts to local or domestic Master of Laws students – with an increased fee being given to international students.

There are also different costs associated with studying your LLM degree in Canada depending on whereabouts in the country your law school is based. And bear in mind that, as with many other countries, Canadian law schools with higher rankings often require higher tuition fees.

Here we take a look at what you how much you can expect to pay for your LLM degree tuition fees in Canada.

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Tuition fees for domestic and international students in Canada

When it comes to university tuition fees in Canada, in general Canadian and Canadian-resident students get a discount from most law schools in Canada, with international students usually being charged the full LLM degree tuition fee. Sometimes – like for LLM tuition fees in America – these fees are discounted even more if you are a local (in-state) student.

For example, McGill University in Quebec charges Canadian students who are also resident in Quebec half the amount that they charge Canadian students who are not resident in Quebec. If you are an international student at McGill University, then the tuition fees are more than twice as much again. Some other Canadian law schools give all Canadian students, regardless of their residency, a discounted tuition fee. For example, the University of Manitoba charges all Canadian students the same tuition fees of $2,874.40 per term for a full-time masters degree, and $6,323.74 per term for International students on the same course.

Vast variations between the Canadian law schools

The most prestigious law schools in Canada generally charge higher tuition fees than the law schools that are less favourably ranked.

The University of Toronto Faculty of Law is often considered the best law school in Canada– and this accolade is reflected in their high fees – with domestic students paying $9,280 in academic tuition fees and international students paying $46,690.





Law Course

Academic Tuition Fees

Incidental Fees
























$1,844.28 + $756




$1,844.28 + $756




$1,844.28 + $756




$1,844.28 + $756



On the other hand, the lower ranked Peter A Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia charges Canadian students LLM degree tuition fees of $5,301.54 for the Master of Laws program, and international students are charged $9,313.92 for the LLM degree course. 

LLM degree tuition fees according to study mode

Some LLM degree courses in Canada are available as part-time options, and these often charge by the module rather than by the year. This doesn't usually offer any saving, other than being able to both study the course and pay the tuition fees in smaller chunks – which can be helpful, especially if cash flow is tricky.

The part-time tuition fees usually add up to be the same or ever so slightly higher than the full-time equivalent.

Not many law schools in Canada offer online LLM degree courses, however Osgoode Hall Law School at York University has an excellent online Master of Laws program that is taught via video conferencing for part-time or full-time students – this is offered for an additional $300 per year on top of tuition fees. 

LLM degree registration costs and other fees 

Before starting your LLM degree program in Canada students often have to pay an application fee of between $70 and $200 for their LLM application to be processed, although some students can have this application fee waived at certain law schools.

In addition to this, universities in Canada have other additional fees that students need to pay along with their tuition fees. Sometimes, these are the same between domestic and international students, and sometimes international students will need to pay other costs, for example non-optional health insurance to the university. 

LLM Degree Tuition Fees in Canada

LLM tuition fees in Canada

Here is a table showing the average LLM tuition fees for domestic and international students at some of the top law schools in Canada in 2018.

Canadian Law Schools

Domestic Tuition Fees

In-Province Tuition Fees

International Tuition Fees

Dalhousie University




McGill University




Queen’s University




University of Alberta




University of British Columbia




University of Calgary




University of Ottawa




University of Toronto




University of Western Ontario





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