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Global Law Schools
If you are considering studying an LLM (Master of Laws) program - then it is important to make sure you choose the right law school to study at.
We have great advice to help you make that crucial decision.

Law School Search
Use our law school directory to find out more about global law institutions for your Master of Laws studies – we have the lowdown on law schools in the UK, Europe and the USA.
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How To Choose A UK Law School
Find out what methods you can use to find your perfect law school in the UK, including assessing rankings, considering the location and considering the LLMs on offer.
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Best Law Schools In The World
The best law schools in the world are competitive places to apply to and attend – but are they worth all the effort? Let's take a look.
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Best Law Universities In UK
From Oxbridge to the Russell Group and beyond... What are the best law universities in the UK to study an LLM?
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Private & State Law Schools
In the UK private law schools are not that different from state law schools – most students don’t know the difference between them.
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Law School Rankings Overview
LLM university rankings are often used by prospective law students to decide which law school to study their LLM program at.
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How To Use Law School Rankings
Law school rankings are useful as a very rough guide to the reputation and quality of different law schools for LLM studies.
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London Law Schools
With plenty of high-quality law schools and unparalleled networking opportunities, London is the perfect place to study an LLM.
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