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LLM UK Application Deadlines
The postgraduate application and admissions process can take several weeks to complete so give yourself plenty of time, particularly if you are an international student. Some institutions have different deadlines for international and EU students, to give them more time to process their visas. Many institutions have rolling admissions throughout the year and some have very specific deadlines. Some courses, particularly popular ones, may become fully booked earlier than anticipated and deadlines brought forward so make sure you check regularly.
Some accept applications twice a year and have two specific deadlines – this is because they have two start dates per year (usually in January and September), so check out which deadline you can meet.
Where deadlines are not specified, the institutions accept applications at any time as long as they are submitted early enough before the course start date.
Here are a few handy tips:
1. Apply as early as possible: courses may be full and offers made long before the specified deadline.
2. Enclose all required supporting documents: applying piecemeal is not helpful and some institutions will not consider your application if it is incomplete, even if it is submitted on time. You will probably need to include a personal statement and a reference letter at the very least.
3. Be sure what type of LLM program you want: when it comes to deadlines some institutions make a distinction between Taught and Research LLMs, so be sure whether the deadline is applicable to your chosen program.
4. Contact the school: don’t hesitate to contact the institution by phone or email. If you are an excellent candidate with an impressive CV they may be able to accommodate you even if you have missed the deadline or you may find that there are still places available on the course.
UK law school application deadlines
University of Aberdeen
July 2024 for September intake.
University of Aberystwyth
LLM by Research: end of September for January start and February for a funded place for September start.
Distance learning is two months before the start of the course.
Anglia Ruskin University
August for September for 2024.
December for January start date.
Aston University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Semester 1
Application deadline for the 2023/24 academic year: 10 June 2023.
Application deadline for the 2024/25 academic year: 10 June 2024.
Semester 2
Application deadline for the 2023/24 academic year: 30 June 2023.
Application deadline for the 2024/25 academic year: 30 June 2024.
Birkbeck, University of London
Applications open in September; applicants are advised to apply early.
University of Bedfordshire
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Birmingham City University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Birmingham
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Blackburn College
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Bournemouth University
For the January 2024 entry deadline (international students): 1 December 2023.
For the January 2024 entry deadline (home students): 8 January 2024.
University of Bradford
No deadline.
Overseas applicants: July 2024.
Home applicants: August 2024.
Brunel University
No deadline.
BPP University College
No deadline.
Buckinghamshire New University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Cambridge
See website for further details.
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Deadlines are not specified but early application is advised.
University of Cardiff
See page for further details.
University of Chester
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Coventry University
May 2024 for May start date.
August 2024 for the September start date.
University of Central Lancashire
See website for further details.
City Law School
Application opens in September for enrolment the following September.
De Montfort University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Derby
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Dundee
Application deadline: 17 November 2023.
Durham University
See website for further details.
University of East Anglia
For the January to February start, send off applications by 31 July (27 November for international students).
University of East London
See website for further details.
University of Edinburgh
See website for further details.
University of Essex
Applications for January and October 2024 start dates are open.
University of Exeter
No formal deadline but candidates advised to apply as soon as possible.
University of Glasgow
See website for further details.
University of Greenwich
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Hertfordshire
Deadlines not specified.
University of Hull
No specific deadlines; candidates advised to apply by 1 August for September start date.
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London
Applications for October 2024 entry opened on 1 November 2023. The deadlines for these applications is 31 July 2024.
Keele University
International students enrollment for September 2024 will take place on the 19 September 2024.
University of Kent
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
King's College London
Overseas (international) fee status: 26 July 2024
Home fee status: 26 August 2024
Lancaster University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Leeds
No deadline.
Leeds Beckett University
See the website for further details.
University of Leicester
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Lincoln
No deadline.
Lincoln John Moores University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Liverpool
Deadlines are not specified but applicants are strongly advised to apply no later than June of the proposed year of entry.
London Metropolitan University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
London School of Business and Finance
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
London School of Economics, University of London
Rolling admissions; early application advised.
London South Bank University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Manchester Metropolitan University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Manchester
Applications now open for the 2023/2024 cycle.
Middlesex University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines specified.
Nottingham Trent University
Contact university for further information as no deadlines specified.
University of Nottingham
August for September start.
University of Northampton
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Northumbria University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Open University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Oxford Brookes University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Portsmouth
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Queen Mary, University of London
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Queen's University Belfast
No deadline.
University of Reading
No deadline.
Robert Gordon University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Salford
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Sheffield
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
Sheffield Hallam University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Southampton
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of South Wales
No deadline.
Staffordshire University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Stirling
Deadlines not specified; applications accepted up to a year before the course start date.
University of Strathclyde
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Sunderland
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Sussex
1st August 2024 for international applications.
1st September 2024 for UK/EU applications.
Swansea University
No deadline.
Teeside University
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Ulster
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
UCL (University College London)
October 2023 for September 2024 start date.
University of London
December and May 2023 are the months for student intakes, deadlines not specified.
University of Warwick
2 August entry deadline for October start date.
University of Westminster
Application deadline for January 2024 (International): 24 November 2023.
Application deadline for January 2024 (Home): 7 December 2023.
Application deadline September 2024 (International): 1 July 2024.
Application deadline September 2024 (Home): 23 August 2024.
University of West England, Bristol
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of West London
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of Wolverhampton
Contact the university for further information as no deadlines are specified.
University of York
No deadline.