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American University Washington College of Law Earns Green Law School Distinction

American University Washington College of Law

American University Washington College of Law Earns Green Law School Distinction

American University Washington College of Law has been listed in the top four Greenest Law Schools by Pre-Law Magazine. Criteria included law schools' curriculum, campus environment, building trends, faculty, and academic offerings including externships, legal journals, and summer programs. "[It] not only gives students exposure to practical skills and practicing lawyers but gives them a network to find jobs in the process," said David Hunter, director of the Program on International and Comparative Environmental Law and the International Legal Studies Program, in reference to environmental externships.

American University Washington College of Law Earns Green Law School DistinctionAmerican University Washington College of Law is a dynamic law school at the center of policy, business, and all things international. A law school of over 1,700 JD, LL.M., and SJD students who Champion What Matters. The law school offers more than 20 specialized programs including international law, human rights, law and government, intellectual property, business, and gender studies, as well as nationally recognized clinical and trial advocacy programs.

For more information on summer environmental courses, visit the Summer Academy Environmental Law Program site.

Learn more about the LL.M. in International Legal Studies admission’s information The application deadline for spring 2011 is October 1, 2010!