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May 16, 2024
The most in-demand UK law schools 2023/2024 revealed
Our recent research has revealed the top most searched UK law schools for LLM degrees over the last 12 months.
After detailed analysis using a bespoke algorithm, the following UK law schools have topped the table:
- The University of Law
- The University of Edinburgh
- Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL)
- University of Aberdeen
- University of Cambridge
This algorithm incorporates results specifically for LLM degree courses from both of our web portals ( and by combining the following data:
- Search-term frequency from the websites’ search boxes
- Direct traffic to law school listings from organic searches
- Total number of views on each law school’s profile on both sites over the last 12 months
Because these results are gleaned 100% from a postgraduate student perspective, they offer a unique insight into the popularity of the law schools and their PG law courses, providing a different approach to some of the more traditional league table rankings. This makes them an invaluable resource for the PG sector as they differ from the majority of other law school rankings, which tend to be undergraduate-focussed and only consider UG courses rather than reflecting PG-specific demands.
“The results reflect the dynamic and evolving preferences of prospective LLM students,” said Rob Houghton, Co-Founder of Postgrad Solutions. “These top-ranked law schools have consistently demonstrated their appeal over the last 12 months, not only through their academic offerings but also through their online presence and engagement.”
The top performing law schools in more detail
The University of Law is the longest-established specialist provider of legal education and training in the UK and has trained more practicing lawyers than any other institution in the UK. They offer an extensive range of LLM degrees that are aimed at both law and non-law graduates. They also offer a Master of Arts in Law (MA Law) and Master of Sciences (MSc) in Legal Technology Sciences and (MSc) in Legal Technology.
The University of Law has campuses all over the UK and online, offering students a great environment for studying and networking, as recent Global LLM bursary winner Annie Tisshaw discovered. Speaking about her experience, Annie said, “I have made great connections at my university with people from all over the world. This is both with the staff and other students.”
The Law School at the The University of Edinburgh was established in 1707 and has been offering legal education and research expertise for over 300 years. The taught LLM degrees on offer at the University of Edinburgh include the LLM in Commercial Law, LLM in International Banking Law and Finance, LLM in Medical Law and Ethics, and LLM in Global Environment and Climate Change Law. Edinburgh also offers LLM degrees by online learning.
Queen Mary, University of London Law School (QMUL) is one of the leading law schools in the world, offering a large selection of LLM pathways including Human Rights Law, Intellectual Property Law and International Dispute Resolution. QMUL has campuses in Bloomsbury and East London, it also offers LLM degrees in Paris, Singapore and online.
The Law School at the University of Aberdeen is ranked among the UK’s top 10 by the latest Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide. Aberdeen offers a good selection of specialist taught LLM degrees across five legal themes – Commercial & Trade Law, Energy & Natural Resources Law, International Law, Human Rights & Criminal Justice, and International Intellectual Property and Information Law.
The Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge dates back to the 13th century and is one of the oldest law schools in the English-speaking world. The LLM degrees on offer here are designed to provide advanced legal education to students who have already completed a law degree or have equivalent legal qualifications. The specialisations include areas such as International Law, Commercial Law, Human Rights Law and Environmental Law.
Use our LLM course search to find your perfect LLM degree.
Looking for funding for postgraduate studies? Check out the exclusive bursaries on offer from Postgrad Solutions.
Content added on 16th May 2024.
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