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University of Huddersfield: International Law

Institution University of Huddersfield
Department University of Huddersfield Law School (BDLAW)
Telephone +44 (0)1484 422288
Study type Taught


As one of the most vibrant and important fields in the world today, International Law influences personal, national and global perspectives in world affairs. Understanding where International Law has come from, why the law is constructed the way it is and the rules around how states should engage with each other, this LLM will explore questions of power, politics and dominance in the world, with the ideological separation of the global North and South and of the East and West.

Along with the foundational doctrines of International Law, you will examine how peoples can seek the right to self-determination, how states are formed and when states can use force against other states or individuals as well. The syllabus incorporates landmark international court cases and their outcomes and effects.

This course will equip you with the academic abilities and employability skills which are relevant for a successful career in international affairs, diplomacy, international governmental organisations or policy thinktanks.


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