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University of Manchester: Healthcare Ethics and Law

Institution University of Manchester
Department School of Social Sciences
Study type Taught


Study the knowledge that underpins effective decision making in practice and develop your critical analysis skills. Our range of flexible, interdisciplinary courses will deepen your understanding of ethical and legal issues in healthcare and will help to build your confidence when faced with complex dilemmas.

The combination of online delivery with consistent support from our experienced and approachable academics will enable you to study while you work.

Course units Philosophical Bioethics (30 credits) - Mandatory for: MA, LLM, PGDip, PGCert Ethics Medico-Legal Problems (30 credits) - Mandatory for: MA, LLM, PGDip, PGCert Law International Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics (30 credits) - Mandatory for: MA, LLM, PGDip Research Ethics (15 credits) - Mandatory for: PGCert Ethics, Optional for: MA, PGDip Ethics, Genetics and Genomics (15 credits) - Mandatory for: PGCert Ethics, Optional for: MA, PGDip Mental Health Law and Policy (15 credits) - Mandatory for: LLM, PGCert Law, Optional for: MA, PGDip Medicine, Law and Society (15 credits)- Mandatory for: LLM, PGCert Law, Optional for: MA, PGDip Project (60 credits) - Mandatory for: MA and LLM

What you will learn Studying one of our courses will help you to develop your understanding of ethical and legal issues in a range of real-world scenarios, and a diverse range of contexts. Whether it's allocating healthcare resources, protecting patients' rights, handling patients' consent, matters relating to prolonging life, or issues around reproductive choices, our courses will help you develop your understanding and enhance your decision-making.

Throughout your studies we offer you the opportunity to discuss these topics with your fellow professionals as well as the course tutors, in order to further your analysis of the issues involved.


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