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45 institutions starting with "B"
- View Profile University of Birmingham Birmingham Law School
- View Profile Boston University School of Law
- View Profile University at Buffalo School of Law
- University of Baltimore Center for International and Comparative Law
- University of Baltimore John and Frances Angelos Law Center
- Banaras Hindu University Law School
- Bangalore University University Law College
- Bangor University School of Law
- Bath Spa University Bath Business School
- University of Bedfordshire Law
- University of Benin School of Postgraduate Studies
- Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Benjamin N Cardozo School of Law
- Bharati Vidyapeeth University School of Art and Social Sciences
- Bielefeld University Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft
- Bifröst University Single tier structure
- Birkbeck, University of London Birkbeck Law School
- Birkbeck, University of London Law
- Birkbeck, University of London School of Social Sciences
- Birmingham City University School of Engineering and the Built Environment
- Birmingham City University School of Law
- Blackburn College Business, Health and Technology
- Bocconi University Single tier structure
- University of Bologna Loyola Law School Program
- University of Bolton Law
- Bond University Faculty of Law
- University of Bonn Faculty of Law and Economics
- Boston College Law School Law
- Bournemouth University Department of Humanities and Law
- BPP University BPP University Law School
- University of Bradford School of Law
- University of Bremen Department of Law
- University of Bremen Single tier structure
- Brigham Young University J Reuben Clark Law School
- University of Brighton School of Business and Law
- University of Bristol School of Law
- Bristol, UWE Bristol Law School
- University of British Columbia Faculty of Law
- Brooklyn Law School Law School
- Brunel University of London Law School
- Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent (BSIS) School of International Studies
- Bucerius Law School Single tier structure
- Buckinghamshire New University School of Business and Law
- University of Buckingham Law
- Bundelkhand University Institute of Law Babu Jagjivan Ram Institute of Law
- Business College Athens BCA Single tier structure