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48 institutions starting with "C"
  1. View Profile University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) UCLA Law
  2. View Profile Case Western Reserve University School of Law
  3. View Profile Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon) Single tier structure
  4. University of Cádiz Department of International Public, Procedural and Criminal Law
  5. University of Calgary Faculty of Law
  6. University of California, Berkeley Berkeley Law
  7. University of California, Davis School of Law
  8. California Western School of Law Single tier structure
  9. University of Cambridge Law
  10. University of Canberra School of Law
  11. Canterbury Christ Church University Christ Church Business School
  12. University of Canterbury School of Law
  13. University of Cape Town Faculty of Law
  14. Capital University Law School
  15. Cardiff Metropolitan University Cardiff School of Management
  16. Cardiff University School of Law and Politics
  17. Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg Faculty of Computer Science, Economy and Law
  18. Catholic University of America Columbus School of law
  19. Caucasus University School of Law Single tier structure
  20. CEIPI (Centre d'Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle) Law
  21. Center for International Legal Studies Single Tier Structure
  22. Central European University (CEU) Department of Legal Studies
  23. Central European University (CEU) Legal Studies
  24. University of Central Lancashire School of Law and Policing
  25. University of Cergy-Pontoise Faculty of Law
  26. Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law
  27. Charles Darwin University Faculty of Law, Business & Arts
  28. Charles University Prague Single tier structure
  29. Charlotte School of Law International Programs and LLM
  30. University of Chicago Law School
  31. University of Chichester Humanities - Law
  32. China-EU School of Law (CESL) China-EU School of Law
  33. China University of Political Science and Law Single tier structure
  34. Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Law
  35. Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Law
  36. University of Cincinnati College of law
  37. City (City St George's, University of London) The City Law School
  38. Cleveland State University Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
  39. Cochin University of Science and Technology School of Legal Studies
  40. College of Europe European Legal Studies
  41. University of Cologne Faculty of Law
  42. University of Colorado Law School
  43. Columbia University Law School
  44. University of Connecticut School of Law
  45. University of Connecticut School of Law - Insurance Law Center
  46. Cornell University Cornell Law School
  47. Coventry University Coventry Law School
  48. University of Cumbria Business, Law, Policing and Social Sciences