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26 institutions starting with "H"
- View Profile Harvard University Harvard Law School
- University of Haifa Faculty of Law
- University of Hamburg Law
- Hamline University School of Law School of Law
- University of Hannover Institut für Rechtsinformatik
- University of California, Hastings College of the Law Single tier structure
- University of Hawaii William S Richardson School of Law
- HBS Heilbronn Business School German Graduate School of Management and Law
- HEAD (Hautes Études Appliquées Du Droit) HEAD Law School
- Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC Montréal) Faculty of Law (University of Montreal)
- Heidelberg Center para América Latina Faculty of Law
- Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf Law
- University of Helsinki Faculty of Law
- University of Hertfordshire Business
- University of Hertfordshire Geography and Environmental Sciences
- University of Hertfordshire Law
- Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) Single tier structure
- Himachal Pradesh University Faculty of Law
- Hofstra University School of Law
- City University Hong Kong School of Law
- University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
- University of Houston Law Center
- Howard University School of Law
- University of Huddersfield University of Huddersfield Law School (BDLAW)
- University of Hull Faculty of Business, Law and Politics
- Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin) Faculty of Law