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45 institutions starting with "L"
- View Profile University of Liverpool Online
- University of La Coruna Law School
- Lancaster University Law
- Lancaster University Politics, Philosophy and Religion
- University of Lapland Faculty of Law
- La Trobe University School of Law
- University of Latvia Economics and Management
- University of Lausanne Law and Criminal Justice
- Université Laval Faculty of Law
- The University of Law The University of Law
- The University of Law The University of Law Business School
- Lazarski University The Law Faculty
- Leeds Beckett University Built Environment and Engineering
- Leeds Beckett University Leeds Law School
- Leeds Trinity University Law
- University of Leeds School of Law
- Leibniz Universität Hannover Faculty of Law
- University of Leicester Leicester Law School
- Leiden University Faculty of Law
- University of Leipzig Juristenfakultät
- National University of Lesotho School of Law
- Lewis & Clark College Law School
- Hochschule Liechtenstein Single tier structure
- University of Liège Institute for European Legal Studies
- Lille Catholic University Faculty of Law
- University of Limerick Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- University of Lincoln Lincoln Law School
- Liverpool Hope University School of Law
- Liverpool John Moores University Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
- Liverpool John Moores University School of Law
- University of Liverpool School of Law
- University of London Institute in Paris University of London Institute in Paris
- London Metropolitan University Guildhall School of Business and Law
- London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London Law
- London South Bank University Accounting and Finance
- London South Bank University Law
- Louisiana State University Paul M Hebert Law Center
- Université Catholique de Louvain International
- Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University Loyola Law School Los Angeles
- Loyola University Chicago School of Law School of Law
- Loyola University New Orleans College of Law College of Law
- Ludwig Maximilians University of München Faculty of Law
- University of Lüneburg Fachbereich Umweltwissenschaften
- University of Luxembourg Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance
- Catholic University of Lyon Single Tier