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45 institutions starting with "L"
  1. View Profile University of Liverpool Online
  2. University of La Coruna Law School
  3. Lancaster University Law
  4. Lancaster University Politics, Philosophy and Religion
  5. University of Lapland Faculty of Law
  6. La Trobe University School of Law
  7. University of Latvia Economics and Management
  8. University of Lausanne Law and Criminal Justice
  9. Université Laval Faculty of Law
  10. The University of Law The University of Law
  11. The University of Law The University of Law Business School
  12. Lazarski University The Law Faculty
  13. Leeds Beckett University Built Environment and Engineering
  14. Leeds Beckett University Leeds Law School
  15. Leeds Trinity University Law
  16. University of Leeds School of Law
  17. Leibniz Universität Hannover Faculty of Law
  18. University of Leicester Leicester Law School
  19. Leiden University Faculty of Law
  20. University of Leipzig Juristenfakultät
  21. National University of Lesotho School of Law
  22. Lewis & Clark College Law School
  23. Hochschule Liechtenstein Single tier structure
  24. University of Liège Institute for European Legal Studies
  25. Lille Catholic University Faculty of Law
  26. University of Limerick Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  27. University of Lincoln Lincoln Law School
  28. Liverpool Hope University School of Law
  29. Liverpool John Moores University Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
  30. Liverpool John Moores University School of Law
  31. University of Liverpool School of Law
  32. University of London Institute in Paris University of London Institute in Paris
  33. London Metropolitan University Guildhall School of Business and Law
  34. London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London Law
  35. London South Bank University Accounting and Finance
  36. London South Bank University Law
  37. Louisiana State University Paul M Hebert Law Center
  38. Université Catholique de Louvain International
  39. Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University Loyola Law School Los Angeles
  40. Loyola University Chicago School of Law School of Law
  41. Loyola University New Orleans College of Law College of Law
  42. Ludwig Maximilians University of München Faculty of Law
  43. University of Lüneburg Fachbereich Umweltwissenschaften
  44. University of Luxembourg Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance
  45. Catholic University of Lyon Single Tier