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36 institutions starting with "M"
  1. View Profile University of Minnesota Law School
  2. Maastricht University Faculty of Law
  3. University of Macau (Universidade de Macau) Faculty of Law
  4. Macquarie University (MQ) Centre for Environmental Law
  5. Macquarie University (MQ) Department of Law
  6. Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Law
  7. Mainzer Medieninstitut Single tier structure
  8. Mainz University of Applied Sciences School of Business
  9. Makerere University Law
  10. University of Malaya Faculty of Law
  11. University of Malta Law
  12. Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester Law School
  13. University of Manchester School of Social Sciences
  14. University of Manitoba Faculty of Law
  15. University of Mannheim Department of Law
  16. Manuel L Quezon University School of Graduate Studies
  17. Marquette University Law School
  18. Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg Juristische Fakultät
  19. Masaryk University Faculty of Law
  20. McGill University Faculty of Law
  21. MCI Management Center Innsbruck Master's Programmes in English
  22. University of Melbourne Melbourne Law School
  23. University of Miami School of Law
  24. Michigan State University College of Law
  25. University of Michigan Law School Law School
  26. Middlesex University Law and Politics
  27. University of Minho Law School
  28. University of Missouri (Columbia) School of Law
  29. University of Missouri (Kansas City) School of Law
  30. Monash University Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
  31. Monash University Monash Law
  32. Université de Montréal Faculty of Law
  33. University of Mumbai (Bombay) Faculty of Law
  34. Munich Intellectual Property Law Center Single tier structure
  35. Murdoch University School of Law
  36. Mykolas Romeris University Law School