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36 institutions starting with "M"
- View Profile University of Minnesota Law School
- Maastricht University Faculty of Law
- University of Macau (Universidade de Macau) Faculty of Law
- Macquarie University (MQ) Centre for Environmental Law
- Macquarie University (MQ) Department of Law
- Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Law
- Mainzer Medieninstitut Single tier structure
- Mainz University of Applied Sciences School of Business
- Makerere University Law
- University of Malaya Faculty of Law
- University of Malta Law
- Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester Law School
- University of Manchester School of Social Sciences
- University of Manitoba Faculty of Law
- University of Mannheim Department of Law
- Manuel L Quezon University School of Graduate Studies
- Marquette University Law School
- Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg Juristische Fakultät
- Masaryk University Faculty of Law
- McGill University Faculty of Law
- MCI Management Center Innsbruck Master's Programmes in English
- University of Melbourne Melbourne Law School
- University of Miami School of Law
- Michigan State University College of Law
- University of Michigan Law School Law School
- Middlesex University Law and Politics
- University of Minho Law School
- University of Missouri (Columbia) School of Law
- University of Missouri (Kansas City) School of Law
- Monash University Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
- Monash University Monash Law
- Université de Montréal Faculty of Law
- University of Mumbai (Bombay) Faculty of Law
- Munich Intellectual Property Law Center Single tier structure
- Murdoch University School of Law
- Mykolas Romeris University Law School